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Why become an Enterpreneur?

Becoming an Entrepreneur is a craze in India right now. But is it worth it? With more than 90% of startups failing every year, can you actually become a successful entrepreneur and kickstart your startup journey. We believe you can! And the best time to startup is while you are in School/College because you have nothing to lose. You also would have access to a huge talent pool to tap into and build your team from scratch. Sometimes you wonder if you could talk to a real entrepreneur who was in your position some years ago.

An Overview of the Workshop.

• Discover your personality and understand your role in your startup!

• Understand why Startups Exist and Brainstorm on an idea for your startup

• Apply the Lean Canvas Model to your Startup

• Come up with your Business Model and Build the first version of your product or service

• Start Marketing your Startup

• How and When to raise Funding from Investors.